Think and Grow Rich is a timeless classic written by Napoleon Hill and has been a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs and businesspeople worldwide. The book presents the idea that success is not determined by one’s background or circumstances, but by one’s mindset and determination to succeed. In this article, Barrister Tahmidur Rahman will discuss the book from the perspective of a Bangladeshi businessman and lawyer.
He will provide a brief overview of the book and its key principles, and offer insights on how these principles can be applied to the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs and businesspeople in Bangladesh. Through his analysis and commentary, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the impact that the book can have on their own lives and careers. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned businessperson, or simply someone looking for inspiration and guidance on the path to success, this article will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice that you can put into action.

1. We can only achieve our goals in life if we are motivated by a strong desire.
Many of us wish for wealth and financial independence, but wishing will not help us achieve our objectives. We must recognize a burning desire within ourselves if we are to become wealthy and realize our dreams.
For example, despite more than 10,000 failed experiments, Thomas Edison remained committed to inventing an electric light source. He was simply motivated by the desire to see his dream realized. And, after years of effort, he succeeded when he invented the light bulb.
Fannie Hurst, a writer, had a similar experience: she had to endure over 36 rejections before one of her short stories was published in a newspaper. Her career as a successful novelist and playwright took off from there. Her burning desire had proven to be stronger than her frustration at being rejected – and she was eventually successful.
As a result, those of us who want to succeed must examine our own personal attitude toward setting goals and dreams.
What are our feelings about our goals and dreams? Is it just castles in the sky? Is our desire strong enough to make them a reality one day?
2. Goal setting and detailed planning are the foundations of all accomplishments.
Every success story begins with people who have a clear goal in mind.
So, before you start chasing any old dream, you should first define your own personal goal as precisely as possible. For example, if you want to become wealthy, you should first determine how much money you want to make.
Furthermore, you must have a clear understanding of when you want to achieve your goal and how much money you are willing to invest to do so. Because setting a specific goal is pointless if it’s in the far future, where you’ll only be able to pursue it half-heartedly.
It’s also critical to create a plan that outlines every step you’ll need to take until you reach your goal. And once you’ve decided on a strategy, get to work! Don’t waste any more time.
If you want to ensure that your desire for success is deeply embedded in your own thoughts and actions, use the following method. First, make a list of your goals and a detailed plan for achieving them. Then, read it aloud twice a day: once in the morning after you wake up and once before you go to bed.
Following these suggestions will make it much easier for you to become wealthy – or to realize any other dream.
3. Successful people believe in themselves without reservation.
Having unwavering faith in yourself ensures that you can – and will – achieve your goals.
You can only achieve success if you have self-confidence and unwavering faith in yourself: no wealth has ever been acquired, no distant continents have ever been discovered, and nothing has ever been invented without this faith as its foundation.
Mahatma Gandhi was a paradigmatic example of the power of faith. Despite not having access to traditional instruments of power, such as money or the military, he was able to defy British colonial power and lead his country to independence. His unwavering belief that he could exert such a powerful influence on his fellow citizens that they would stand up for their common goals was his only source of support.
Our belief in ourselves has a huge impact on our self-image and way of life. It truly has the potential to help us move mountains.

4. Our subconscious can influence our behavior by using auto-suggestion.
Unwavering faith in yourself is not something you are born with or that appears out of nowhere: it can be developed gradually through auto-suggestion.
Auto-suggestion is a method of influencing yourself through the use of very specific and purposeful thoughts or ideas.
You can use it to communicate commands or positive goals to your subconscious mind, increasing your own belief in yourself.
In general, auto-suggestion involves convincing yourself that you can achieve your objectives, that your thoughts can be transformed into reality, and that you must go your own way with confidence.
The more you use auto-suggestion, the more likely it is to help you succeed. If you imprint your desires and goals in your unconscious mind, they will guide all of your thoughts and actions toward making them a reality.
5. Knowledge is power, but not necessarily what you learned in school.
Knowledge can make it much easier to achieve your life goals. All you have to do is consider a few fundamental points.
First and foremost, you must abandon the “traditional” definitions of knowledge and education.
Because knowledge and education aren’t limited to a high school diploma or a university degree. People who are “uneducated” can also know a lot, as Henry Ford demonstrated. He didn’t finish high school, but that didn’t stop him from establishing an industrial empire and making millions.
If you want to be successful, you don’t need to fill your head with facts – it’s far more important to gain the right experiences and knowledge, use your own strengths, and maximize your own potential.
The most important foundation is a willingness to learn throughout your life. Your worst enemy is complacency. Instead, you must always be prepared to actively and purposefully broaden your own knowledge. There are numerous ways to accomplish this, including attending university, taking evening classes, or gaining practical experience.
Knowing where to find the knowledge you require is also useful, because you do not need to know everything yourself.
Instead, you need to know who you can ask if you have a question. It is usually more practical and productive to be surrounded by a network of experts who share their specialized knowledge rather than learning everything yourself.
6. The imagination’s workshop – where we can make our dreams come true.
Every success story starts with an idea. And the imagination is at the heart of every idea. It is essentially our minds’ creative workshop that turns our dreams into ideas and our ideas into reality.
This imaginative ability can be divided into two types: creative imagination and synthetic imagination.
We can create completely new things by using our creative imagination. This function is used by brilliant composers, visual artists, and writers to create works unlike any others.

In contrast, the synthetic imagination rearranges old ideas into novel combinations. Sony, for example, used that ability when they decided to further develop the playback device or dictaphone used by journalists, transforming it into a portable music player that anyone could use – and thus the Walkman was born.
Creative and synthetic imagination can complement one another in a beneficial way. Consider the story of Asa Candler, who founded the global brand Coca-Cola around 140 years ago out of a headache medication. Although Candler did not create the Coca-Cola recipe – he purchased it from a pharmacist for $3,000 – he devised the clever plans and marketing strategies that made the product a huge success.
You must challenge and encourage your imagination to keep it from becoming sluggish. And you can do so by stimulating it, keeping it active, and training it like a muscle: the more you use it, the more productive and powerful it becomes.
7. Understanding your own professional strengths and weaknesses improves your chances of success.
Being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, or being self-aware, is an important foundation for professional success.
Because things like having vague goals, lacking ambition, procrastinating, and lacking resolve are common causes of failure, self-awareness can help you constructively address these weaknesses – or at the very least balance them out with your strengths.
It is best to conduct a thorough and honest self-analysis in order to determine your specific strengths and weaknesses. Don’t worry, seeing a psychologist isn’t necessary. It is sufficient to go through a checklist of questions, which should include: Have I met my goal for the year?; Was I always friendly, courteous, and cooperative?; Did I make all decisions promptly and firmly?
Then you should contrast your subjective self-analysis with another person’s objective assessment of you. This works best when you sit down with someone who knows you well and discuss your strengths and weaknesses openly and honestly.
8. Positive emotions are essential for success in life and must be nurtured.
Sensory stimuli, feelings, and thoughts are received and stored by our subconscious. It keeps everything we’ve ever experienced, whether it was positive or negative.
But simply storing information isn’t enough: our subconscious is constantly exerting influence over our actions. It can shape us positively, endowing us with strength and zeal, but it can also shape us negatively, leading us astray and into despair.
So, if we want our subconscious to assist us in realizing our desires and goals, we must ensure that positive feelings take precedence in our lives.
As a result, we must “feed” our subconscious positive things in order for it to function as a helpful and constructive guide. However, if we allow ourselves to experience too many negative emotions, such as rage, hatred, a desire for vengeance, or pessimism, the exact opposite will occur.
That’s why, in everyday life, you can, for example, avoid contact with doomsaying windbags and pay no attention to their discouraging remarks.
Instead, make it a point to boost all positive emotions, such as enthusiasm and love. That is the only way to develop a positive mindset in the long run.
9. Successful people are notable for their tenacity and perseverance.
The analysis of over 25,000 life stories of people who failed to achieve professional success reveals that the main reason for their failure is a lack of determination.
The analysis of multimillionaire success stories, on the other hand, revealed that they all shared two characteristics: they were used to making split-second decisions and, once made, they stood firmly behind their decisions.
A certain amount of obstinacy, as long as it does not become deafening, can even be advantageous. Henry Ford, in particular, was known for sticking to his decisions for an extended period of time. Many people, for example, advised him to replace his famous – but not particularly beautiful – Model T with a new model. But because he kept the car for a long time, he was able to continue making significant profits with it.
Opinions are cheap: everyone has one, and the majority of people want to share them. To avoid the risk of negative influences and straining your own resolve, it makes sense to give others as few opportunities to express their critical opinions as possible.
People who are disheartened should keep their plans and intentions to themselves and not confide in anyone else – except members of their hand-picked team or trustworthy outsiders.
10. Only the most tenacious will succeed.
We will all face obstacles and difficulties during the course of any project, regardless of its nature. Most of us are too quick to abandon our plans and let the project die in such situations. However, despite all obstacles, there are a few people who stick to their original plans and allow their dreams to blossom into reality.
Perseverance and endurance are essential. That means, above all, that we work constantly on achieving our objectives and never lose sight of them. However, obstinacy and inveteracy should be avoided at all costs: if, for example, a price correction is desperately needed, you must also be willing to implement it.
Here are four simple but critical rules to follow if you want persistence and endurance to become habits:
You must have a specific goal in mind and a strong desire to achieve it.
A thorough and precise plan is required to support the implementation of your goals.
You must not allow negative and discouraging opinions to influence you.
You require an intimate, trusting relationship with someone or a group who can offer you support and assistance.
Consider these rules to be a special exercise program that will help you improve your personal endurance and persistence.
11. To achieve great things, you must be smart and surround yourself with smart people.
The more complex the planning, the more difficult the goal’s execution; the more difficult the execution, the more reliant the brains behind the project will be on the creative, intellectual, and moral support of others.
This mutual support works best in the form of a brain trust, which is a small group of highly intelligent people.
A brain trust is a group of like-minded people that, unlike a network, focuses on defining a common goal, developing competencies, and having a system of checks and balances.
The most important principle of a brain trust is its synergistic effect: when two or more people who work well together combine their skills, talents, specialist knowledge, experiences, relationships, and all other resources and use them to accomplish the same shared goal, the results are more than the sum of their parts: it’s a surplus with which you can achieve things you couldn’t have done alone.
Wealth, in any form, is rarely the result of chance or coincidence. Far from it; it is almost always the result of various characteristics and skills that anyone can learn and acquire.
In a flash, this book answers the following questions:
12. How do we identify the right goals in life and put them into action?
- We can only achieve our goals in life if we are motivated by a strong desire.
- Goal setting and detailed planning are the foundations of all accomplishments.
- Successful people have unwavering faith in their abilities.
- Our subconscious can influence our behavior by using auto-suggestion.
Which abilities and knowledge are required for success?
- Knowledge is power, but it does not have to come from school.
- The workshop of the imagination, where we can make our fantasies a reality.
- Knowing your own professional strengths and weaknesses improves your chances of success.
- Positive emotions are essential to living a successful life and must be nurtured.
What approach do successful people take when achieving their objectives?
- Successful people are notable for their tenacity and perseverance.
- Only the most determined will succeed.
- To achieve great things, you must be smart and surround yourself with smart people.